Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Rebel Minis Mk1 HAMR Suit

Be a Rebel , you know you want to.....
I had actually assembled this model when just prior to undercoating I said " this great mini deserves more " .This mini needs a more dynamic pose, so I dismantled it & starting sawing away with a jewellers' saw.Got to tell you that this is not for the faint hearted & requires a bit of skill & not one saw pass went by that I did not think I was going to mess it up.
Whilst the detail is good, the moving joint lines( ie. where the elbow meets the arm etc ) on this model aren't very clear but after careful study I marked where the arm & the knee would most likely turn or bend .The torso is the most obvious .
I sawed & converted these parts.All parts were pinned with steel rods.I always pin when I do conversions of this kind.
  • Torso
  • Left Arm
  • Pointing hand ( this was the most time consuming as you have to convert it from a fist
  • Right arm
  • right foot
And there you have it "Zed" Barus pointing into the blue yonder.
Not to blow my own trumpet and even if it's rude to point but I personally love how this model came out & in my humble opinion I think I did the designer justice,.

Hope you like it & start converting... you can do it, yes you can

Merc recruitment poster

Ground was done with a mix of Dry RedBush ,Orange Pekoe & Black Teas + white glue.When dry a mix of snow ( I got this from Antenocities years back ) +  white glue. I use quick drying PVA glue.

Smoke effect cockpit was done with a mixture of peat brown (windsor & newton) & yellow inks.I'm still old school & use a lot of WN inks & Humbrol acrylics

Decals came from 1/32 Airfix German ww2 helmet insignia,Cut up Wehrmacht vehicle number plates.The Skull on top is a hand made decal.

Added Lenses top l/h corner & 2 aerials top rear

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  1. Hey Z, I agree, you have done the model justice, TBH I hadn't actually considered getting these, but your model is so good it has convinced me to get some, love it.

  2. Thanks Dan,
    Glad you like it.

  3. Whilst this sort of walker isnt really my thing I can appreciate the work you've put into this model, its very satisfying to improve on a standard item both for the modeler and for the peson viewing the finished work. Its clear you've put a lot of effort into this one, well done and thanks for sharing and giving inspiration to others!

  4. Thanks for the praise.,
    You're more than welcome Harbadix,

  5. Beautiful modeling. Your skill is showing!

  6. Thanks Jay, Glad you like it
