Sunday, 25 September 2016

15mm Xeno Monsters / Tyranid like army.

I found a very good deal on ebay for GW Carnifex parts & what better monster for a 15mm Nid like army than a 40K Carnifex ? This is a prime example that loads of models can be used across several scales.

Unfortunately there were no bodies in this deal but several back shells, so I glued 2 back shells one against each other & built the body using putty & card. The legs available made it possible to make converted charging / trotting models. I modified them with GS and Milliput also.

So now my Xenos / Nids have a monster capable of taking on a tank.

I added pics of the Broodlord ( a converted old tyranid metal warrior ), scratchbuilt warriors & army pics at the bottom.


Scratchbuilt warriors and some of the plastic rippers

Broodlord ( old metal tyranid warrior is great for this )

Martian expeditionary force in full retreat to evacuate planet after accidentally stirring the hive.


  1. Very very cool builds, dude!

  2. Thank you. 🙃🙃🙃. I love converting & scratch building stuff ... as you know by now😉.
