Saturday, 5 October 2019

Scratchbuilt sprue 15mm mecha

Hello all ,
here are my latest builds.
I love building unique one offs. Almost 100% plastic sprue.
 I think I lost a year's worth of sanity building these !!! ;D Too many small bits.
Remember small mistakes look huge under the camera but they're only 15mm & once painted up most of them blend away.

Thanks for your comments. Z


  1. Wow, nice work. Worth the price sanity wise.

  2. Nice job, Zrune! Your the high lord of scratch-building.

  3. Really impressive Zruny. I totally agree with what Skully pointed out above.

    Just a quick question, what tool/tools do you use to create them with? It's surely not just a hobby knife is it?

    They look most excellent mate :)

  4. Thank you my friends,
    Glad you like them 😁😁😁
    High lord 😎 haha that's a good one Skully 👍👍👍

    Good question Mr.P,
    I choose the sprues 1st for shape & thickness.
    I used flush cut nippers, pliers, hobby knife, a tea , candle, extra thin glue & revell liquid glue.
    That's about it , I think.

  5. A tea candle to heat & stretch the thin bits. ... and tea off course.

  6. Pliers are used to flatten & give texture to some parts, like the feet.
