Saturday, 7 March 2020

15mm Scifi Gruundar Vehicle

Hello again all,
Here is the wip of a Gruundar vehicle.

It is based on a free Ebbles paper model.
Card, plastic sprue, & milk container plastic caps for wheels.

Painting started - Spray cans black undercoat, grey undercoat zenithal... and finished..
Here's how it was done...

A wash of green brown ink
All edges / rivets lined with black blue ink
Dry brush with buff / ivory
Decals added ( GW Tau )
Rust added with nut brown & orange brown
Mud spatters & tyres made with watered down buff
Chipping added with sponge - black , white and brush light grey

Thanks for your comments.


  1. I can't believe your scratch building skills, Zrune!

  2. Thanks matt....
    Glad you like it ....more pics inbound.

  3. Interesting Zrune. I've often thought about using a printed model template as a base for making a styrene model, but never thought about making a card base and then laying the printed paper over the top to use as the template....very clever!

    Your efficient use of sprues makes me question myself when I throw my used ones in the bin. I better start saving, and using them huh!

    Great build as always mate :)

  4. Dude, that is brilliant scratch building!

  5. Thank you Mr.P,
    Have to show what great terrain can be built with sprue...I have boxes of the stuff... the thought of throwing it away is nothing short of HERSESY 😉
    Ebbles has sime excellent free paper models. You really should try some out.

    And Thanks Ragsta for the praise 😁😁😁😁👍👍👍👍

