Painted in Vallejo Aircolour sand base & Humbrol white + Windsor & newton peat brown ink.
First white undercoat, then sand airbrush ,then white dry brush , then peat brown ink wash ,then white.
Then blending with white + ivory & touching up with brown wash.
Flesh in 3 tones on white base.
Black + Grey weapons ,goggles , belt + backpack in 3 shades of grey over black base.
Based on 2 euro coins,Pva + granulated dried plaster of Paris which first painted in grey watercolour wash.Granulating will give you various shades of grey , perfect for urban .Snow was bought from Antenocities & mixed with Pva.
The ruined buildings are handmade, using engraved sandstone which was first cut to the desired thickness.High walls made out of black jablo & attacked with solvent & soldering iron.Then simply drybrushed with varying shades of grey + white.Black airbrushed into shell holes.
Finally finished 70+ NSL Grunts |
I made up the HMG team using the 2 prone figures, I lengthened the hmg barrel to make it look heavier |
The standing missile launcher upper torso was swapped the the one from the kneeling one,so as to have 4 different ones. |
Drone made from a GW TAu helmet ,plastic sprue & PVC ( for pvc sculpting see my other post) |
Thanks for viewing