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Thursday 21 September 2017

Scratchbuilt 15mm Serpentia Alternative Vehicles

Hello again all,
A friend asked why I had used the human type vehicles for my Serpentia & I replied I would build snake men specific ones.
Well here's my wip on them.

2 sizes of washing m/c drain pipes ( just look on the lovely internal detail on the grey pipe )
Top of a plastic bottle ( to fit hose to front piece )
A lemon juice cap ( rear hatch ) ( Removed & made a card one )
Scratchbuilt front piece. ( plaster of paris & card )
I will need to add light & heavy weapons next...

More Wip pics posted.. undercoated in grey primer.

And here they are as promised my friends ..... I had to add small flt bases to them as they were wobbling over.
Sandstone, Buff, Carmine Oil colour diluted with non stink type W&N turp wash turns the sandstone colour to a pinkish hue, W&N ultramarine . Windshields made with Pearlescent paint + Ultramarine.... The base was done in cracked sandstone then given a wash of carmine.

Tell me what you think .
Your feedback is welcome.
Thanks for your comments. Z

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