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Thursday, 23 March 2017

GPK - Galactic Peace Keepers

Hello all here are my GPK Galactic Peace Keepers,
Sort of a Buzz Light year UN.

The vehicles are cheap made in China toys that fit the bill perfectly. In fact it was their scowling animal like front that made me think this army up. The only issue was that I had to drill the rivets that hold the top & bottom together so I could remove the yellow spoiler thing.Then I glued the whole & used the spoilers to build flying droids.

The minis & jet bikes are Brigade PacFed, see them here Brigademodels PacFed.
These are very good solid minis, very little cleaning required & are a joy to paint up. So if you want Police minis you should definitely look into these.
The Mecha are scratchbuilt , you can  them here Scratch-built-15mm-mechas
The Bikes are also scratchbuilt as can be seen from the pics, the drivers & gunners are Brigade also.
The drivers are the dino/horse riders & the gunners are the Hy wpns teams. I was left with a prone one so I decided to do a sniper.The sniper rifle is made from sprue.
Some have told me that these remind them of Manga movies & yes come to think of it they do .
Patlabor is a prime example.

Latest updates
Pacifier Drones Have new numbers.
Converted Darkest Star Parma Suits into  Patlabor or Robotech like small mechas
Interceptor scratch built turbo fan flyer with down firing riot foam gun ( plus missiles & m/c guns )


Thanks for your comments. Z