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Friday, 7 February 2014

Tracks,tracks & more tracks. Need tracks ? Here's how to make them

Hello again all,
This is my first blog & i've reached 1000+ hits thanks to you .As a small thank you I decided to show you how to make simple tracks for any vehicle & most probably for any scale from 6mm to 30mm.

Pc's & electronics in general offer the scratchbuilder loads of material to use & this is a clear example.
Here's an IDE flat cable , this comes in different shapes & sizes & for those not tech savvy  is used to connect hard disks, floppy disk drives, cd's etc. It can also be found in SCSI type.

Simply use a small screw driver to remove the black connectors' side clips, as seen in pic. once you remove this the connector can be prised off  ( I teach H&s and so I cannot over stress the need to be careful.Your eyes & fingers are priceless. DO take care of them. Follow basic safety rules & wear safety gear ). Once you prise all 2 or 3 out flatten the cable & put it under a heavy flat object. The connecters make great missile launchers & the metal connections found inside make excellent aerials & pins.Pull these out with a thin flat long nose pliers .Once you decide on the width you can cut it out and glue with superglue to the desired shape.Here are some designs I did .I used plastic tank wheels or wooden wheel with small blobs of white glue for rivets.Oh btw I suggest you glue the wheels first on a sturdy piece of plastic/card/wood first.

Top L/h WW2 1/72 Panther wheels, Top r/h 1/76 T34 wheels, Middle right 1/76 Pzkpfw 4 wheels.Btm row wooden wheels

Here are examples on an MDF vehicle I'm building

Hope someone finds this useful



  1. Neat! Very nice idea.

  2. Hello, I saw this post on G+, and wanted to say what a great idea, and one I am sure I will use.
    Thanks for the idea.

  3. Very clever indeed sir. Thanks for sharing.

  4. You're more than welcome,I'll post another idea soon.....

  5. Just found your blog, as one does, this is a great idea. I use ribbon cable to make ammo chutes for my mech models.

  6. Thank you.
    Glad you liked it Ashley.
    I used them for that also.

    Look here

    Have a good weekend

    1. Nice. How tall are they? Idle curiosity forces me to ask. ;-)

  7. I would say around 20mm, they're 6mm scale.
    Look here for size comparison.


  8. Cheers. Did I say I like your work, a lot?

    Following you now. You might be interested in looking at some of my stuff. We have similar tastes.

  9. You're welcome and thank you.
    I did have a (quick)look at your blog/s ( I do like your Mech models). Keep it up.

    I think you would be interested in "The Murderbot Diaries Series by Martha Wells". If you or any other who read this haven't done so already , do yourself a favour.

    Have a great weekend

  10. Murderbot is great. Deffo must read.

    BTW: I also write, three novels inspired by Stargate and VOTOMS.

  11. Indeed. Martha Wells is BRILLIANT....
    Great, Will do so , when time permits ( yeah !!!!) ....
    so much stuff to do.. so little time...
    sigh... ;)

