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Saturday, 31 October 2015

AA size comparisons

Just got the Pegasus, BTR 260 and riders from Armies Army and here are size comparison pics as all appreciate them.

Pegasus is a nice shaped little model. As you can see it sizes well with the new seated models but may look slightly small with the older ones.It would be excellent for 10mm.Resin Casting is good and the tail fits perfectly to main body. The best feature are the metal engines, some flash along the blades on one of the engines but this can easily be removed.They would look good even on 28/30mm models and can just imagine them on other conversions/scratch builds. In fact I'm thinking about a 4 engined version of the Pegasus.

The BTR 260 is a great model and follows the same lines of the 290. Again the resin is cast well as are the metal wheels and turret.I like how the rear top is different from the 290 as can be seen in the photos.I must say that the BTR 200 series is one of my favourite streamlined vehicles (compare it to Khurasan's Iguana) and would be very happy to see it expanded.

The seated troops are a welcome addition to 15mm (not sure but I think they're the only ones like them on the market ). Good casting with some mould lines which again can be removed easily enough.I'm thinking of using them for Middle Eastern troops though the main problem will be to paint the head scarfs in black & white stripes.I might also convert some to have more diversity.

Armies Army is one of my favourite makers and Keith is a great guy to do business with.


Sunday, 25 October 2015

15mm Armies Army, GZG & Antenocities - NPB ( Nowa polska brygada )

I have also finished my New Polish Brigade.

Armies Army infantry , Jeeps and Apc . GZG Nsl Power Armour. Revell T80. Antenocities Apc's.
Converted mecha from EM4  miniatures. Scratchbuilt artillery.


15mm scifi Critical Mass Games - Droid Legion

Hello again all,
I have finished my Droid legion.
CMG minis, Scratch built Mecha , Flying drones and vehicles.

As always it is much better to actually see a model in the flesh rather than a pic and explaining how one did the paint job may be ambiguous but I will try to go through what I did.
I use lots of different makes of inks and paints. I used the below system on all models. I experiment a lot with colours when painting.Sometimes it works an sometimes not.
Eg. all the splotches on the lower part of the Hunter Killer Flyer ( the big one) where created by overspraying ink and letting it dry like that.
1) Grey primer spray undercoat.
2) FW Colour medium blue airbrushed overcoat.
3) Magic colour airbrush Dark blue ink on legs and lower part.
4) W&N Cobalt blue wash on all models.
5) Drybrush with W&N Light blue on top part.
6) Very light drybrush with white on head/top part.
7) Magenta lenses and extremities of weapons.
Hand painted W&N yellow lines and a bit of orange mix.Thin Lines made with a sharpie indelible marker.
Great army Trojan Points and painted by micropanzer … enough said.Love the name also.
Oh another thing the actual name should have been Robot Nation not Droid legion .. must have been thinking something else.
Hope this made sense.