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Sunday, 28 August 2016

Scratchbuilt Lander Mark 2 Finished

Hello again all,
I have just finished painting Lander 2.

Note that windows have been given a gloss varnish coat whilst the rest matt.


Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Scratchbuilt Lander Mark 2 Part 4

Hello again all,
Here is Lander 2 painting wip.

White undercoat, FW Flame Orange Base colour , some shading /washes  and wear done... still a lot to do.

Orange / Green  or Orange / Blue or Orange / Black or a mix of the 3 ???? we'll see where it takes me.

Any comments ideas are welcome. 


Monday, 22 August 2016

Ikwen, PeaceKeepers, Alien Bull & Cow

Hello again All,
Thought I'd share my latest creations.
I bought Brigades PacFed Infantry to use as Peace Keepers & Loud Ninja's Ikwen t use as indigenous Aboriginal Aliens.
I decided to mount 4 of them on the PacFed Dino lizards I got & they came out great. This left me with 4 PacFed riders so I decide to scrathbuild bikes & sidecars. I like how they came out & would fit with the Peace Keeper theme. The heavies were used for the side car riders , a medic & a sniper ( rifle is made entirely from sprue. )

I made the Bull so that eventually I will have an Alien herbivore herd.

Enjoy & may you be inspired enough to start scratchbuilding.


Friday, 12 August 2016

All kinds of terrain.

Hello again All,
I thought to share pics of some of my terrain .I enjoy building terrain so I have made quite a collection along the years.
I think that using natural items is one of the most rewarding when building terrain. Anyway enjoy & if you have questions do not hesitate to ask.
I normally do terrain that can be used in various scales. I use milliput, Das Clay, expanding foam, expanded polystyrene, plaster of Paris, papier Mache & whatever comes in hand :)

May you be inspired.

The few ones with flowers are from Kromlech ( I think) the rest are all hand made Milliput / GS, yes ALL hand made one by one, so that no 2 are the same. Better than a fidget gizmo to alleviate stress :)

Shanty town, expanded poly packaging and corrugated cardboard.

Marsh - Resin & various sizes of dessicant balls

Buddha souvenir

Broom bristles ( natural not synthetic )

Dried stained Garlic roots.

Lava cones  - Molten plastic, resin & coloured pencil shavings

Hand sculpted fibre glass. This will be made into a 4 x 4 board.

Rough terrain - Natural rocks , seed pods , foam alien growth etc.

LImestone sawn into small pieces & used to build walls.

Nids towers - Originally a plant shoot.