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Monday, 20 November 2017

15mm to 28mm Necromunda game board Part 1

Hello again all,
Necromunda is one of my favourite games & so I have made a lot of terrain for it along the years.
After seeing Stroezie's 6mm board on Lead Adventure .de I decided to start working on a gameboard of my own which can be used for both 15 & 28mm.
The base will be made from 6" sqr 1 to 2" thick eps peices to get  a 2' sqr board, plain on one side & with canals on the reverse side.
I'm basing my smaller terrain on 6x7" 3mm mdf so the board will have endless variation both top & bottom.
You might ask why 6x7 not 6x6 , well this size accomodates my finished terrain nicely & will provide overlap & canals running under the terrain.
Apart from buildings i have also loads of walkways,bridges & scatter terrain which can easily be used.
Here are some pics of the wip. More will follow,

Finished all Exp polystyrene canals.
Finished painting of running water.
Finished embellishing of water
Finished weathering of walls.

Must say it took a lot of work ..... it is taking up a lot of my spare time indeed..... A LOT!!!!

Added more pics to show how it would come out - the brown pizza box border will be painted a nice matt black. Note that the flip side is black so I can have any combination. I need to add magnets to the sides. There are 25 squares for a total of around 3ft sq. The middle parts represent grilles so as to add strength to the build & to place magnets.
Just wish the gap between the blocks was thinner, oh well can't's coming out good imho ....
Can't wait to add detail & colour when all are ready.. 21 to go....

Finished basing all 25 , now bit by bit, have to do the border , tidying up & then finally colour detail.

Thanks for your comments.

Saturday, 18 November 2017

Scratchbuilt Prime Movers , Cmd ATV & terrain Pipes

Hello again all,
Here are my latest scratch builds ,

A Bulk Hauler from an old Lima Diesel Train + either bottle cap wheels or scratch built tracks.

A Command IFV - wood , plastic , card etc
Half round corridors from PVC pipe & card.

Here are the prime mover pics, added a steampunk one also.

have an old train set which can be used for a frontier town.
Am thinking also of incorporating the tracks on that Necromunda board
planning to do.
Lima trains have great potential , so if you find broken ones on ebay, they can
easily converted.

Am thinking also of doing a grav , hover or jet bases.

One thing i found which is good for plates etc is the thin metal plate used
sardine cans , can easily be cut & shaped ( the walking boards) & 5mm square
Chicken wire fencing ( the rails). The bases are built from 3 ply wood, card & loads
Of plastic sprues.


Thanks for your comments.