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Wednesday, 14 February 2018

Nuclear Shrimp - Black Earth 6mm & 15mm mini size comparisons.

Hello all ,
Here are Black Earth 6mm & 15mm mini size other companies.
CM = Critical Mass
BE = Black Earth
GZG = Ground Zero Games
O8 = Section 8 Assault Publishing
AA = Armies Army , now at TheScene

The superb UEF Hulk makes a great 15 mm PA or Light Mecha.
Overall minis detail is exquisite with minimal easily removed flash. (First time I have tried 3D printed minis & this type of plastic is new to me) correction , these minis are cast in a resin comparable to Forgeworld ones.
Can't wait to see how it paints.

Thanks for your comments.

6mm GZG, 6mm BE UEF suit ,15mm BE, Darkest Star,15mm BE, Khurasan, WhiteDragon

BE x 3, IonAge

BE x 3 , GZG PA

BE x 3 , GZG 15 vehicle

BE x 3, CM, Puppets war 28mm, Rebel Minis , O8

Rebel minis, BE x 3,  Anvil Industry 28mm

6mm GZG, Brigade 6mm, Khurasan 6mm, BE x 2, Ion Age, BE, GZG, IonAge

Ion Age, BE x 2, CM, BE, IonAge, CM

O8, BE x 2, Brigade, BE, AA, AA

Micropanzer, BE x 2, Micropanzer, BE, GZG, IonAge

Thursday, 1 February 2018

More 15mm Scratch Built AFV's & IFV's

Hello again all,
To continue with my previous post here are more Scratch Built AFV's & IFV's.

2 of my favourite models are GZG 15mm Phalanx & Paladin.

GZG is one of my fav makers & his minis & vehicles rock ,even if they have been designed years ago they are still very scifi looking & never seem to get old. He's a great guy to get stuff from... 10/10 for quality of service & communication

My main concerns with them are that they are made of heavy metal which can be disastrous if model slips from the hand & they are low as vehicles go ( in my head I don't see them as 15mm, because I always ask whether this or that mini can physically enter in that vehicle...though they would look very plausible as 10mm or AI controlled ones ).

So I decided to do my versions of them.

As usual the hulls are very straight forward, made out of card  , see the first pic for the tanks plan.

The chassis are made of wood & card ,with marker cap based wheels.The axles are made from metal pop rivet leftovers . Turrets are made from PVC ( e.g. billboard type material & cotton bud barrels for the  twin missile launchers ).

They're not perfect but came out great for gaming
I undercoated 3 in black & lightly sprayed with grey primer.
