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Friday, 13 July 2018

Nuclear Shrimp 15mm Vehicles Sample Preview.

Hello again all,
Here are 3 Nuclear Shrimp 15mm Vehicles Sample Preview which they kindly sent me to check out.

Beefy is the first thing that comes to mind. Excellent size for 15/18mm.

The IFV & APC are supplied in 2 hollow halves length wise ( sorry forgot to take pics ) & with a bit of work it will be relatively easy to saw the side & rear doors to show the interior. They have a potential for conversions also ( eg. extending them into 6 wheelers )

Very straight forward build ( after I took a look at the pics on their site, as the IFV's side bumpers? require some thought to build ( I would prefer leaving them off as it would be a pity to cover the wheels , I think the bumpers would make great mecha legs for conversions). I glued them as one thing so as to fit the with a magnet on the bottom.

The tank is a solid affair . I like the plasma cannon most . Supplied with loads of stuff thanks to the Kickstarter . Loads of Bags etc to model to your preference , 2 kinds of sponsons ( not sure if I would use them & I would suggest pinning to the tank sides as they may be prone to breaking off , being resin OR better still fit with magnets to have more options ). The commander & his hmg as a nice addition & there is also a cupola mounted rail gun.

Some part are small & fiddly or thin ( due to the scale ) & will require patience to fit ( again pinning will help )

I like the amount of detail ( eg, on the tracks & wheels)  even in hidden parts ( which for me is an overkill but some will like it for sure )

I took size comparison pics so you can see their size.

Flash is minimal. Can't wait to get what I ordered.
Still stuck on what scheme I will be painting them.

Thanks for your comments.
Ex Critical Mass now Ral Partha  protolene, Darkest Star, Micropanzer, Ion Age, O8, GZG, Brigade, Khurasan.

Ex Critical Mass now Ral Partha  protolene, Darkest Star, Micropanzer, Ion Age, O8, GZG, Brigade, Khurasan.