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Sunday, 17 March 2019

Dyi Killteam board

Hello again all,
If you want a board for less than 5€ , here is what you should do.

I took photos of my Necromunda/ Wh40k flat terrain, cut & pasted them into a larger than 22" x 30" pdf .
I found a very good app called " PosteRazor", which divides a large pic into A4's according to what you want the final size to be .
Then printed them at the local printer on a laser jet ( photographic quality) , well worth the 30 cents I am charged for each A4 & stuck them on to a large piece of card.

Then I gave it a coat of white glue for protection.
The hexagonal buildings are turkish delight boxes covered with the same print as the board & they fit neatly into each other for saving space.

Thanks for your comments. Z

Converted old gw skaven to beastmen

Hello again all,
Been some time since my last post.
Here are wip pics of some conversions I did.

I had bought a lot of these old skaven for my son , which unfortunately he didn't like as they are the same pose ( sigh that's what a ton of choice does to you, i would have gobbled them up if  someone gave them to me when I was a boy !!!)

I had a lot of beastmen heads & arms spare , & since beastmen are known for their prolific  nature ( some would say horny, pun intended 😃) , skaven beastmen hybrids are a very real possibility.

Very simple conversion. Remove the head , tail ( though this could be left on) & arms. Imho they came quite good . So what if they're short, variation is good.
I will end up with around 30 of them. A good sized unit for little investment.

Here are comparison pics and the painted minis below. They have been painted to a gaming standard during a free weekend I had.

 I found some more heads , so I decided to do more , good work for a weekend. 2 heads are skaven ones + horns. I think they came out quite good. Decided to paint warpaint on some of them to add variety.

Painting is fairly straightforward.
Brown spray can undercoat
Drybrush with ivory
Gunmetal weapons / flesh highlights
Wash dark brown - cloth/wood/shield  - blue black on weapons
Gulliman flesh on flesh
Highlight flesh with flesh + ivory.
Warpaint Darkblue + medium blue + light blue.

Thanks for your comments. Z