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Thursday, 30 April 2020

15mm Khurasan - Special Forces

These are Khurasan's 15mm  Fed Army ex-bat treaty troops.
Quite nice minis.
I converted one of them to a saw, so as to have 1 for each squad.

I enjoy painting small groups , as you can dedicate more time on them.
Thanks for your comments

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15mm GZG & Micropanzer - Gandzarr Red Jackets + Vehicles

Hello again all,
These are GZG New Anglian Confederation & Micropanzer Prax IV Mechs.
Vehicles will be posted soon.
All of them nice figures.

Wish Micropanzer will get out some new stuff. Great guy to buy from.

I have added their vehicles also. 1/72 & 1/76th converted kits.

Thanks for your comments


Thanks for your comments.