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Sunday, 28 June 2020

The McGraw Gang... 15/28mm scifi aliens

Hello again all,
I decided to make a press mould of the first one and made 4 more.
Now I have a small gang, perhaps I'll do more.

Intelligent upright lizard like creatures , official name " Lacerta tres oculii Intelligensis Erettus " ,
they're called "3's" by humans due to their 3 eyes sometimes even crocs due to their mouth.

They make great scouts or guards as it takes a lot to surprise them. They also make excellent
close combat troops as they can bite a limb or head clean off with their large mouths like

These minis are good for 15 to 28mm. The larger one is a mini I made for a fantasy campaign
I Dm'd years back and now going to be used as extra muscle.

I used Milliput + sylmasta AB putty ,brown stuff and sprue. I used the blue stuff from Green stuff world to create the copies.I find this versatile reusable material very useful.

Sometimes one makes models that one is very satisfied with & I like these very much.
The overall shape isn't too complicated, so it can be easily replicated.

3's being short & stocky are somewhat slow & ungainly mostly due to their short thick legs and muscular tail, which they use for balance. They can be very fast with their bite , however & have been known to snap food prey from the air. 
They're omnivorous , some have coined them as gluttons and prefer cool , watery habitats like jungles , forests ,woods & water bound islands.
They're can be adaptable & can be found even on starships and cities, though they tend to keep this to a minimum. Having said this, they avoid deserts & the like , like the black plague.
They can tolerate terran like seawater but prefer fresh water . They absolutely love terran salted fish which they trade for at every opportunity with humans.

I made another 5... see below pics.

Here is the start of the 3rd lot. These are the press mould made out of 2 different types of rubber.
As you can see only the top part was moulded so you have repeatability and still have individual minis.

 Weapons & other stuff is superglued in place & hands sculpted on them. I use Milliput for bulk & brown stuff for detail , which I prefer to Green stuff.

Here they are ... another 5... so I have 16 in all

Finally all painted up....

Thanks for your comments.

Wednesday, 24 June 2020

15mm Scifi Judges

Hello again all,
Here is my take on Judges.
Mostly except for the robots and Hero leader which are from Khurasan.
All are nice minis but I like the khurasan ones best.
Pity the droids are so small as they would make great guards etc.. though his newer ones 
are larger.

The scifi zombies are by micropanzer and I love them .. must get more.....

The vehicle is by a chinese company , left almost all in its original colours ,converted with a dozer blade from another toy.

The stripes on the riot shields are not the same as they're animated in the setting to warn 
would be perps.

Thanks for your comments. 

Tuesday, 9 June 2020

Yet more vehicles for 15mm modern/scifi

Hello again all,
Had this Airfix 1/72  Scammell tank transported for around 30 years ... the price on the box was 55c. !!!
Lovely model . I decided not to build the rear part and use the parts to build another vehicle.
Still a wip.

The new one is finished.  vidcaster or command vehicle.... the transmitters/radar hex pattern was made by using the bottom of a brand new slipper 😁 to make a press mould.

All I need is a film crew now.  Khurasan & Ion Age both have a nice set.

Thanks for your comments. 

And here it is drybrushed with 2 shades of orange thanks to Dan .... made quite a difference,