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Monday, 22 May 2023

GZG - 18mm FSE

Hello again all,
Just finished my GZG - 18mm FSE .
Another great faction by Ground Zero Games.
Still waiting for his new stuff as I'm running out of 18mm metal minis to paint.

I have said it before & I will say it again, nothing beats the weight of metal figs ( perhaps because I'm old school ).
Unless one is doing conversions ( off course ) then plastic figures & vehicles are the best.
3d printing is great for versatility /huge choice , especially if one can use a 3d prog.

I added a Khurasan vehicle ( which I had for ages ) + another 2 scratchbuilt / 3d printed ones.

Also added 3d printed mechs & power armour which I found free on thingyverse ( If I remember correctly ) and Rebel minis tracked drones plus scratchbuilt sprue mortars/light artillery.

The mechs are Mf-19 Fenrir Battle Suit -
The PA are 6mm battle armour -

Thanks for your comments.